Why is lowitja odonoghue important synonym

Bringing them home report

Lowitja O'Donoghue AC CBE DSG (August – 4 February ), also known as Lois O'Donoghue and Lois Smart, was an Australian public administrator and Indigenous rights advocate.

why is lowitja odonoghue important synonym

When was the stolen generation start and end

The late Mrs Gladys Elphick MBE forms the Council of Aboriginal Women of South Australia with co-founders Lowitja O’Donoghue (Secretary) and the late Maude Tongerie AM. Lowitja .

Kevin rudd apology

The late Lowitja O'Donoghue is being remembered for her trailblazing spirit, with leaders acknowledging she changed Australia's relationship with Indigenous affairs.
What happened in the stolen generation
Lowitja O’Donoghue became the first Aboriginal person to train as a nurse at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.